Holy Trinity is active in mission and ministry, both inside and outside the parish, thanks in part to all parishioners recognizing and sharing their many gifts and talents. For more information or to become involved with any event call 847-0850 or email parishofHammondRiver@bellaliant.com
Romero House Soup Kitchen Activities
Since 2011 the Holy Trinity soup group has provided delicious and nourishing soup for both Romero House and for individuals in need. If you know of someone in need or would like to join the soup group please call 847-0850. Volunteers are active with the Romero House Mobile Van every week during the winter months. They welcome helpers and traveling with them is a true learning experience in outreach missions.
Community Lunches
An interesting mission idea developed from making soup for Romero House in the form of locally held Community Lunches at Holy Trinity Church! Held four times a year, each community lunch boasts many different types of homemade soup, rolls, and sweets. A draw is held for a homemade Prayer Shawl donated by a parishioner; however, the highlight of the event is that each Community Lunch hosts a speaker or event.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Vision: To form a prayerful ministry that reaches out to those in need of comfort and solace.
Mission: To bring people together to knit and crochet prayer shawls, to pray for those in our church family and community in need of prayer (whether in joyful or trying times) and to support each other.
Prayer shawl group members get together monthly. Together we provide people in need in our community and the Saint John Regional Hospital chaplain with prayer shawls for the sick and infirmed Anyone and everyone is invited to join the group whether they attend Holy Trinity or not. Please give us a call at 506-847-0850.
KV Food Bank
The last Sunday of each month is Food Bank Sunday when parishioners generously drop off food products at the church to be delivered to the KV Food Bank.
Christmas Families
The Christmas Families project is a long-held tradition at Holy Trinity where parishioners donate food items for families in need from the Community Christmas Exchange list. Food is not only provided for Christmas Day but the whole month of January.
Contact Us
Contact the parish office for more information about each ministry. Call us at 506-847-0850 or email us at parishofhammondriver@bellaliant.com